Monday, October 26, 2009

Goals, Week 1

On Wednesday I wrote this about being accountable to keep a food journal and exercise three times a week. Although my readership might be virtually non-existent (smile), it still gave me the impetus to make sure I accomplished my goals this week. I did keep a food journal (& it was ugly!) and I did exercise 3 times this week, working out on Monday and then procrastinating until the last two days to get the rest in. I did it, but just barely! It's good for me to admit it so that I will make wiser choices this coming week. If you think of me and my goals, please say a little prayer. Thanks!

PS. As I write this, my two little girls are taking a break from school, playing Barbies. One of them is Jesus and they are asking Him to rescue them and lift them up (I think up to the third floor of the Barbie house.) Interesting...

1 comment:

Kris Coffee said...

Way to go...3 times in a week!