Tara finished her Awana book last night several weeks early. I think she's the first of my children to do that! Now she's thinking about doing the review. Good job, Tara! Woo-hoo, as she would say.
Katie has lost 3 teeth! The top row of her mouth is missing all three...plenty of room to insert straws, not so good for corn on the cob. Thank goodness it's not July.
Mark is starting a new endeavor...maybe I'll save that as a surprise. It has to do with blogging...no, he's not starting another blog. If you look in "My Favorite Blogs" you'll see he hasn't updated in a year. :( I would really like him to tell you about geocaching sometime, but that's a whole 'nuther story.
We went to see Monsters vs. Aliens on Friday. The girls had been counting down the days and "selling" us their artwork to pay for the tickets to go. Just a little excited. I read ONE (false!) review Friday morning that said it was great and the man selling the tickets to us said he thought it was a "really great movie," but TRUST ME, skip it!! I have never wanted to take a nap so bad in my life. Mark was checking his blackberry in the dark...and we usually enjoy kid's movies. It wasn't worth the price of admission! Wait for it to come out on Redbox and get it for $1, if you must see it.
I am cleaning, organizing and reading away... You'll see "In A Stack by My Bed" that I'm reading First Mothers. It is so interesting! I'm looking forward to telling you about it, but I'm only halfway through it.
Tonight we have a campfire with our Pathfinders from American Heritage Girls. Pathfinders are kindergarteners, plus Katie. Mark is transporting his fire bowl to the church and we're going to sit around it and roast marshmallows and sing campfire songs. Should be fun!
If you think of it, please pray for Ashley to be able to come home for Easter. There is a sensitive matter regarding her ability to come home without grade penalty that weekend that we're trying to get worked out. Hopefully, it will happen!
Well, that pretty much sums up what is going on with us. I'm working on a post about a certain craft...but it is taking me some time to tell the whole story. Thought I'd put the teaser out there to add a little incentive for me to get it done. :)
BTW, blogging is my reward for getting stuff done. So if you don't hear from me for awhile, then I'm either getting a lot done or procrastinating! Ha!
Here's hoping you have a great Monday!