Saturday, January 2, 2016

Take a Snapshot of Christmas

We haven't started putting away Christmas decorations around here yet, but when we do, I've taken pictures of all the holiday displays I created this year so that when the Christmas boxes get pulled out NEXT year, I don't have to reinvent the wheel.

It's a little trick I learned while moving. I took pictures of how I had filled my bookshelves so that in the new digs I wouldn't have to organize and rearrange bookshelves all over again. Worked like a charm!

Here's a few of our Christmas displays.

(I love the little clear reindeer in front of the tree!)

I didn't realize how minimalistic I am until looking at the pictures.  A little bit of knick knacks is all I can handle, really. I enjoy the added decor, but I'm also looking forward to putting it away in the next few days.

How do you feel about Christmas decorations?


Unknown said...

We put our tree and deco away on Saturday. I was so relieved to get it packed away....but I know we will be excited to see all our Christmas "friends" again in 11 months 😊
Our space looks "clean" again.

Unknown said...

Ha! I'm logged in as Steve, I guess. It's Kristi here!