Saturday, September 22, 2012

Satisfying Food

On Thursdays I teach 15 Jr. High/Sr. High girls a class on Home Design and Decorating. This week our devotion centered around the world's food that doesn't satisfy: money, media, fame, ambition - things that alone aren't wrong, but the kind of food that doesn't feed the soul and satisfy true spiritual hunger. 

John 4 tells us about the living water and the soul-satisfying food that Christ has to offer. “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work."(verse 34)

If we really want to be satisfied we will do the will and work of our heavenly Father. That includes putting His pleasure before our own. We have to stop striving for our own desires, our own ambitions and our own satisfaction. Seek to please Him alone. That food will really satisfy you! At the end everything else leaves you hungry.

So I've had to ask myself this week, "What counterfeit food am I trying to fill up on? What should be passed over? What should be replaced with His fare that alone will satisfy? For me these are questions that the Lord and I are "discussing" together in prayer.



Conny said...

that's some good "food for thought"! :)

I started a Bible study online recently called "The Lord's Table" - very much the same theme. So I've been praying through some of the same questions!!

Maribeth said...

This has been a big year for me and I needed to step back recently and reevaluate my priorities. It was difficult, and right now I am not popular with a few people. I had to remind myself of my Vows before God. Yes, sometimes satisfying God and his commandments, is not an easy task.

Nel said...

What great thoughts to contemplate. Thanks for sharing what's on your heart. We can let other "food" deter us from God's will.
until next time...nel

Brenda said...

That's good, Angie. My husband and I were just discussing a verse in Eccl. that says to eat for strength not for pleasure. Can be used in both the spiritual as well as physical strength. Spiritually 'eating' to build strength in our daily walk with the Lord is way more satisfying!