Monday, February 23, 2009

Gone With Somethin' But It's Not The Wind

I'd like to introduce you to my family. I've been married to Mark for 20 years. He is the yin to my yang. He's logical and often unemotional. I wear "emotional" like a new perfume and logical...let's not go there. Mark likes adventure; I prefer cozy-ing up in my home. Mark loves to try new food; I order the same thing every time I go out-to-eat. He's a patient listener; I'm an avid talker. Mark is a techie; I'm technology-challenged. Mark is friendly; I am more reserved until I get to know you (then Mark and I switch roles.) He's funny on purpose (loves the puns!); I'm funny on accident. So besides the usual "opposites attract," we share a love of reading, cooking, learning and music. We make each other laugh and think - sometimes at the same time. He was and will always be my best friend. Plus, he's good looking! I'm a blessed woman!

Mark and I have four children. Our eldest is Ashley, a freshman away at a Christian University. Our only son, Rhett, is a sophomore in high school. Katie is in first grade and Tara is in kindergarten. The younger three I homeschool, as I did their older sister.

Gone With The Wind fans may recognize that my children’s names are characters in the book/movie. That was by accident until Tara came along. How do you do that by accident? Let me share…

We loved the name Elizabeth Ashley, but didn’t want anyone to shorten the name Elizabeth. So we just switched the order and Ashley got her name.

When we were expecting Rhett a friend of ours named their newborn son Reese. We found Reese in the baby name book and it said Rhett was the Welsh form of Reese. Hmm. We looked up Rhett and it meant enthusiastic. Rhett also sounded good with the family name of Anthony. We loved it and a truly enthusiastic son was born.

Eight and a half years later God gave us the gift of a baby girl. We had dear friends who had just named their little girl Katherine Grace. (Thank Goodness, our friends have good taste in names!) Katherine means pure and we felt it was fitting to name our late-in-life little blessing the same. In so many ways it was “pure grace” she was now in our family. We call her Katie, just like Gerald O’Hara called his daughter, “Katie Scarlet O’Hara…” Argh!

Fifteen months later another baby girl arrived. Between the two girls I sat with pen and paper and watched Gone With The Wind writing down each name so as to avoid naming my fourth child after a movie character. My husband began the appeals, “She’ll feel left out!” He suggested Melanie and call her Mel. That did not appeal. Other family members generously offered suggestions from the movie…Prissy, Pitty Pat or a combo of both. (Not going there “initial-wise.”) Then one day Mark said, “Just put it over the top and call her Tara.” I gave up my love of other non-GWTW names and Tara Victoria became the fourth classic-southern-movie-character-namesake of the family.

Movie or not, if you knew my kids, their names fit them perfectly. (Do we grow into our names? I wonder.) Ashley, Rhett, Katie & Tara – our four gifts from God.


teters4 said...

Hi Angie! I saw that you have a blog when I was on Facebook (which I do about once a week). Call me the awful friend from Cali that thinks of you all, but doesn't keep in touch well. It's that flaw in my personality that can only manage so much at one time! LOL I somehow keep up with people's blogs better than I do Facebook, so maybe this will help...well, I can hope anyway. So glad to hear you all are doing well and the kids are all doing well. Lots of Love! Reginia :)

Unknown said...

Look at you!! I'm so glad you're doing this. You are able to communicate so well. I will thoroughly enjoy following you on your journey via this blog.
What a great tribute you wrote to your husband and marriage! I loved it!

Anonymous said...

I thought that Rhett 'Anthony' was named after your favorite cousin that you rarely get to see, me. I hope that you all are well.

Scott 'Anthony'

Angie said...

Is that really your middle name? If so, how cool is that!

Jewel said...

Hi Angie! I came over here from your Random Wednesday 2/16/10 post. I just had to see what you had to say about GWTW and your family!
How awesome is that, that your children are named after GWTW characters and Tara!
All of this talk of GWTW is making me want to watch it...again. It's been awhile. AND when do I have that big of a chunk of time to watch it? :-)